Category: Emergency Care

  • Traumatic Dental Injuries

    Traumatic dental injuries occur most often in children and teenagers, although people of all ages can experience them as well. Sports accidents, car accidents, and falls or trips are all examples of how someone can experience a traumatic dental injury. If you have experienced this type of injury, it’s important to visit your dentist as…

  • Tooth Pain

    Pain is a signal that something is wrong. Any tooth pain should be taken seriously, because ignoring this symptom can lead to more serious dental and medical consequences. Among the common causes of tooth pain are decay, erosion, infection, and trauma. Tooth Decay Tooth decay begins with the bacteria in plaque. These bacteria create acids…

  • Gum Emergencies

    The tissues of the gums, tongue, or cheek lining are vulnerable to accidents like sports injuries, bites, or scalding liquids. If you have an injury to the soft tissue of your mouth, you should: Rinse out your mouth with salt water Remove any visible debris Contain bleeding by pressing a clean, damp material to the…