One Dentist for the Whole Family

updated: Aug. 20, 2018

Find out why a family dentist is an integral part of your family’s overall health and wellbeing.


Keeping your family’s teeth and gums healthy and clean is important and we know that it can sometimes be daunting to figure out exactly Family Dentistrywhat you should be doing to maintain good oral hygiene. Luckily, our Hillsborough, NJ, family dentists are here to provide you with some insight into why choosing a family dentist is one of the most important things you can do for the health of your family.

How often do I need to see a dentist?

Visiting the dentist should begin by the time your child turns 1 year old or by the time their first tooth comes in, whichever occurs first. From there on out, every individual should come in twice a year (every six months) for checkups and cleanings. Of course, smokers, pregnant women, and those with active gum disease may need to come in a little more often for checkups and cleanings. This is something to discuss with your Hillsborough, NJ, dentist.

What is the purpose of professional teeth cleanings?

You brush and floss every day, so why would you need yet another cleaning, right? Wrong! Even the best brushers and flossers out there miss areas of their teeth and it’s easy for plaque to harden into tartar, which a toothbrush won’t be able to remove. If you don’t have tartar removed during your routine checkups this can easily lead to cavities and gum disease. This is why these cleanings are important for everyone if they want to keep teeth and gums healthy and problem-free.

How can I help my child maintain good oral hygiene?

The sooner you start your child on a good dental regimen the easier it will be for them to adopt. This means having them visit the dentist by the time they turn 1 year old so they get accustomed to checkups and cleanings. Make at-home dental care a priority and lead by example. Make brushing and flossing a family affair and teach your little one how to do it so that by the time they turn 7 or 8 years old they can start tackling their oral routine all on their own.

Do you offer restorative dentistry?

One of the best parts of having a family dentist is that they can offer you a full range of dental services so you don’t have to look elsewhere should you need teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental implants or even dentures. We offer everything you need to improve and even strengthen your smile. Want to get restorative or cosmetic dentistry? Then let’s talk!

Towne Centre Family Dental is dedicated to providing your entire family with comprehensive, tailored dental care, no matter whether you want to discuss braces, restorative dentistry or you just need a simple cleaning. Call our office today.