How Sealants Protect Your Child’s Smile

updated: Oct. 29, 2019

Here at Towne Centre Family Dental in Hillsborough, NJ, Dr. Albert Internoscia and his team of family dentists offer sealants in order to sealantsprotect patients’ teeth against cavities and serious dental decay. Read on to learn more!


The Benefits of Dental Sealants

Cavities usually develop on the chewing surfaces in your child’s mouth, especially the molars (back teeth). This is because chewing surfaces are the most vulnerable to decay due to their everyday contact with food and the acid-producing bacteria that comes from the exposure.

If you run your tongue over chewing surfaces, you’ll notice that they are covered in tiny grooves called “pits and fissures”. These areas are where bacteria and food particles become trapped. While brushing helps to remove some of the food debris and bacteria, sealants greatly aid in the process by filling up these grooves altogether. This step prevents bacteria and food from getting stuck in there from the start.

Sealants are a great preventative measures, along with dental cleanings, regular checkups, a healthy diet, fluoride treatment and a healthy oral regimen.


Why Children Get So Many Cavities

So why are children more at risk of developing cavities than adults? Well, one major reason is that newly erupted permanent teeth are not all that resistant to decay. Enamel, the white protective coat encapsulating teeth, becomes stronger with time and proper care. Additionally, children often don’t have the greatest oral care routines, leading to more plaque presence and enabling the spread of decay.


More About Sealant Application

Sealants can be applied easily and quickly during a single visit to our office in Hillsborough, NJ. The process is as follows:

  1. Your dentist examines the child’s teeth for any decay and removes it immediately.
  2. An etching solution is applied to the tooth surfaces. This roughens the surface to ensure the sealant material adheres more readily.
  3. The etching material is removed, and the teeth are dried.
  4. Your dentist paints the liquid sealant material onto the tooth, hardens it with a special curing light, and you’re done!


Caring for Sealants

If you have questions about dental sealants for your child, contact Towne Centre Family Dental in Hillsborough, NJ, by dialing (908) 874-4555. Call today to schedule an appointment with your family dentist, Dr. Albert Internoscia, today!