FAQs About Invisalign

Have questions about what it’s like to get Invisalign treatment? We have the answers.

Maybe you’re interested in getting Invisalign from our Hillsborough, NJ, dental team but chances are good that you have questions first (it’s natural for anyone to have questions before undergoing dental treatment of any kind). So, we have compiled some of the top questions about Invisalign so that you understand more about this treatment before your consultation.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a unique approach to orthodontic treatment that uses a set of clear aligners that fit over your upper and lower teeth instead of the traditional bracket-and-wire system. These aligners are custom-made and look similar to whitening trays or traditional mouthguards.

How does Invisalign work?

Before getting your aligners there are a few steps that you will need to go through. First, our Hillsborough, NJ, dentist will require a thorough Invisalign consultation that includes examining your mouth and taking x-rays to make sure that you’re an ideal candidate.

From there, we will take digital photos of your mouth and use special computer software to map out which teeth need to shift around in order to achieve your perfect smile. All of this information is then sent to an Invisalign dental lab where they will make your very own set of aligners.

What problems does Invisalign treat?

Invisalign can handle a wide range of dental problems including,

  • Crowding
  • Spacing or gaps between teeth
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites
  • Slightly crooked or protruding teeth

How long do I need to wear my aligners?

How long you wear each aligner will depend on your own personal situation and case; however, most aligners are worn anywhere from 7-14 days before being replaced with the next set in the series. While you can certainly take your aligners out when you need to, it’s important to wear them as much as possible (for 20-22 hours each day).

When should I take my aligners out?

The beauty of Invisalign is that you can remove your aligners when you need to. Yes, you should wear them as much as possible if you want to see results quickly; however, you can and should remove your aligners when you are brushing or flossing, or whenever you are eating or drinking (you can still wear your aligners when drinking water).

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

Most older teens and adults whose teeth have stopped growing can be ideal candidates for Invisalign. One way to determine whether you are an ideal candidate is to take this free online smile assessment with Invisalign. Chances are good that if your smile is uneven or misaligned that Invisalign can help.

If you are interested in getting a straighter smile with Invisalign then call Towne Centre Family Dental in Hillsborough, NJ, at (908) 874-4555 to schedule a consultation.